Sunday, November 18, 2007

power walking

My favorite exercise is just walking. Also, I prefer to go for a walk out side than go to a gym. These days, I try to walk more because I want to loose my weight. Actually, I gained about 10 pounds in calgary, and I really mad about that. On this weekend, I went to power walking. I walked as fast as possible for 1 hour. I think my home in calgary is really good place to go for a walk. It is quite a big village, so there are many houses. In this reason, I feel it is safe when I go for a walk by myself. Also, there are just a few people and cars on the road, so they don't disturb my way. There are just one thing which bother me. It is the weather in Calgary. The weather is getting colder and colder, so I'm not sure I can keep going power walking.

1 comment:

Jeff L. said...

You can keep just have to wear really warm clothes! Or you could use the track at the university gym.